High-concept television series have become quite common, a trend that wouldn't exist if not for Lost. More than a decade after the series finale, Lost continues to be heavily discussed, and its impact on high-concept and science-fiction. The "mystery box" series is also still evident in television storytelling today.

In each season of Lost, there is a particular episode that stands out and captures what made the show resonate strongly with a variety of audiences. The ratings that IMDb users have given each episode demonstrates which episodes have stood the test of time and continue to be well-received by fans.

Season 1: "Exodus: Part 3" (9.3)

LOST Exodus Part 2

The third and final part of the season 1 finale provided some satisfying payoff while also delivering one of the best cliffhangers in the series. The mysterious hatch was finally opened and the Others were confirmed to be real and a legitimate threat. The shot of Jack and Locke staring down into the hatch is one of the most iconic shots in the series.

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The whispers that Danielle Rousseau heard--saying the Others were coming for a child--proved to be true, but not in the way anyone expected. The finale made it clear that while Lost would answer some of the big questions, those answers would often lead to bigger questions and bigger mysteries.

Season 2: "Live Together, Die Alone" (9.4)

LOST Live Together Die Alone S2E23

Many of the major threads in season 2--the truth about the hatch and the button, Locke's faith being tested, Michael stopping at nothing to get Walt back from the Others, and who was leading the Others--all collided in epic and satisfying fashion in "Live Together, Die Alone." Fans also got one of the biggest answers in the series--what caused Oceanic Flight 815 to crash.

Making the season finale a Desmond-centric episode was a bold, but ultimately effective choice. The audience went from knowing little about Desmond to caring deeply about him, with his character being vital to many of the major threads in the series. There was also another surprising and shocking twist included in this episode after "Henry Gale," who spent most of the season as a captive of the Oceanic survivors, revealed himself to be the leader of Others. Not only did he get one up on the group but he also made a major impact on the series going forward by kidnapping the 'leaders' of the Oceanic survivors - Kate, Jack, and Sawyer. It had fans on the edge of their seats for months.

Season 3: "Through the Looking Glass" (9.7)

Charlie writes ¨Not Penny´s Boat¨ on his hand in Lost

While many significant characters died throughout seasons 1-3 of Lost, none of the deaths were as heartbreaking as Charlie's in the season 3 finale. With Death hanging over Charlie and the "Greatest Hits" episode that looked back on the best moments of his life, Charlie's exit felt authentic, earned, and provided the emotional resonance that it deserved. Lost fans will never forget him putting his hand up against the glass with the words "Not Penny's Boat" written on it (or Aaron crying the moment that he passed).

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In addition to Charlie's story, "Through the Looking Glass" marked a fascinating turning point in the series. The flashbacks interspersed throughout the finale were revealed to be flash-forwards after Jack and Kate got off the Island. This was fascinating in itself and was made even more compelling when Jack told Kate they had to go back (which was a stark contrast to the 3 seasons where Jack was determined to escape the Island).

Season 4: "The Constant" (9.7)

Lost Desmond Call Penny

Desmond and Penny are one of Lost's best relationships and, in many ways, were the heart of the show. The strength of their relationship grounded the time-traveling episode "The Constant," which became one of the most moving and well-written episodes in the entire series. When Desmond becomes "unstuck in time," with his consciousness jumping back between 1996 and 2004, he is saved only because he finds his constant--Penny. The messages about the timelessness of true love and love overcoming all obstacles resonate well, especially during Desmond and Penny's iconic phone call.

It is an excellent episode on its own, but is also important in the larger context of the show. It is through this phone call that Penny is able to locate Desmond, Frank Lapidus, and the Oceanic 6 in the season 4 finale. The episode also helps to establish world-building and eases audiences into the heavier and more consistent time-travel that would become a staple of the show in the following season. Furthermore, the episode teases Desmond's unique role to play and how integral he would be to the endgame of the series.

Season 5: "The Incident" (9.2)

LOST The Incident Part 2 S5E17

Both parts of the season 5 finale "The Incident" earned a 9.2 rating from IMDb users. The episode included many momentous and long-awaited moments that felt earned. After teasing the existence of Jacob for many seasons, the audience finally met him in a long ago flashback and in the present. Seeing him through the eyes of Ben Linus in the present was perfect given everything Ben had done in the name of Jacob, a man he had never met, all of which led to the game-changing death of Jacob and one of Ben's best quotes in the series.

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The finale also featured the incident that had been teased for years, the incident that led to the creation of the hatch and the button from earlier seasons. The incident came about through Jack transforming into a man of faith, making a choice that inadvertently cost Juliet her life. Sawyer trying to hang onto Juliet, Juliet hitting the bomb, and the screen going white to end the season will always be among the most devastating and intense moments in the series.

Season 6: "Ab Aeterno" (9.3)

Richard Alpert Lost Character Guide

Ever since his introduction in season 3, Richard Alpert had always been one of the most intriguing characters of Lost. "Ab Aeterno" finally peeled back the layers of mystery surrounding his character.

What made the episode such a triumph is that it not only provided answers about Richard, Jacob, the Man in Black, and the Island, but it was also a deeply moving episode on its own and in the larger context of the series. Nestor Carbonell got to shine in a way he never had before in one of the best performances in the entire series.

NEXT: The 10 Most Heartwarming Moments Of Lost